About Me

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I am a mama to 3 beautiful kiddos. We had a long road of unknowns after our youngest was born in 2010. This is a blog about our road to her diagnosis to offer encouragement to parents with children of unknown diagnoses and special needs.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today was a good day.

Today, I threw my older children at my best friend who was having a bad day. Just one of those days we all have. She didn’t tell me she was having one of those days until AFTER I traveled 2 hours away from her and was finishing up with our second of three appointments…she is my best friend and I love her forever!

Today, I met a sweet mother and her 2-year-old son who pushes himself into everyone’s lives around him to bring conversation and most importantly friendship wherever he goes! He has SMA (spinal muscular atrophy). Look it up here. He has this spark about him that I have rarely seen. His eyes light up and he is genuinely happy to see you, meet you and speak to you. But most importantly, I see we met for a reason. Here was a sweet mama who sees the same neurologist as us, and has a miraculous story as well. We made a connection. It was a relief to meet her and be able to share our lives. I look forward to speaking to her more. Find his story here.

Today, our daughter is one step closer to a feeding G-tube. She is not gaining weight, but also not losing weight. She grew 1 inch in 2 months, when it had taken her 6 months to grow 1 inch previously. Josslyn is thrilled with the idea of having a tube. SERIOUSLY. I spoke to her about it months ago and equated it with an umbilical cord: “You’re going to have a special tube that takes in food straight to your belly just like when you were in mommy’s tummy! You don’t have to chew it or anything!” She squealed with delight and not exasperation like I thought she would. In that moment I saw God’s gentle and loving spirit glow even brighter in her. She’s amazing. (I wish I had it on video! I am thankful Joel was able to hear her. I think that’s what helped him accept it.)

Today, I scheduled 7 appointments and rescheduled 1 appointment. I still have 2 appointments to schedule. They have a wait list, so I’ll be answering my phone any time it rings in the next few days or weeks. There won’t be the option to just wait and see who leaves a message. That could add another week or so.

Today, I was overwhelmed by my family and friends offers to help. My best friend offered to take my big kids for any and all appointments coming up. My aunt and uncle offered to help in any way possible. My friends from all around the world have been praying for today.

Today, my son prayed to God, thanking Him for the time Josslyn and I got to spend together. Dylan was not upset that I was gone for the day, but thankful. This is BIG people! The Holy Spirit has been working on him lately…it’s like a Holy Growth Spurt! (Ha!)

Today, I didn’t come home and sit around worrying about the next appointments. I didn’t google G-tubes. I didn’t throw on my pjs and go to bed. I got dinner together, helped with showers & pjs. I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. I scrubbed the pots that have been sitting, for a day, dirty on the counter. I listened and read along with my big kids to their books they each picked out, and then read aloud a chapter from the book we are reading together. After I put the kids to bed, I folded laundry and talked to my husband. I got ready for bed and felt compelled to write…because today was a good day. Today God gave me a tiring but good day. He gave me peace. He gave me strength. He gave me all of these people in my life. He orchestrated today. My God is an awesome God.