Kate & Josslyn |
Here are some of the highlights:
- bunking with her sweet friend, Kate
- Ms. Brianna returned to be her one-on-one counselor
- her BFF Alec returned to volunteer
- she met new friends
- built a Moana-themed contraption with her favorite Firefighters
- swim every day
- play soccer
- be a rock star at the talent show
- get asked to go to the dance by her BFF Alec!
This week allows her to be in an environment where she can grow and form relationships that will last a lifetime. It allows her to have freedom from us (her caregivers) who may or may not be too strict some times! It allows her to participate in games/playtime with other kids on her level (no more tears when she is the first out or guilty feelings when she is given more redos than her siblings).
Mengelkochs in the cabin! |
Our big kids were able to spend some time with their grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins in Atlanta. They were spoiled as well! Claire had 2 real life baby dolls to play with and mother too!
Alec & Josslyn |
Moana-themed float with our Firefighters! |
Joel and I are grateful for time to spend together. It's easy to get caught up in the busy and not stop to spend time together talking, and just being together alone.
MDA Camp is such a blessing to our family. Please consider volunteering and donating to this fund for kids like Josslyn!
Josslyn is already counting down to MDA Summer Camp 2019!